Teaching Points on Ippon Kumite

It is imperative that all exercises be done from the individual’s fighting stance, so transitions of Ippon Kumite techniques into your Ju-Kumite can be accomplished. Initially, Ippon Kumite’s teaching points must be explained in detail, only after full comprehension of the techniques, will you be able to properly develop your reflexes and application.

During practice a proficient imaginary opponent is essential, by competing against him, you improve your own proficiency. Be aware of our “MA” (effective striking distance), prior to executing a technique. After executing your technique be aware of your “MA”, and recover your fighting stance quickly.

Execute the following for SHOCK affect:

a) PUNCH –​Your elbow is locked,
knuckles and your
mental concentration
are focused to arrive
b) SIDE KICK – ​Your knees are locked,
​the knife edge of your
​foot and your mental
​concentration are
​focused to arrive on
​target simultaneously.

c) BLOCK – ​Contract your body
simultaneously with your block

Your movements should resemble that of a cat stalking its game, move in a sliding motion on the BALL of your foot, keeping your height constant. A sliding motion will enable you to react instantly by applying pressure. Familiarize yourself to a wide range of techniques, by doing so you will be able to evaluate and choose a couple of these that suit your style and physical stature. Like a specialist who specializes in a given field, practice the techniques you have chosen and EXCEL in their performance.

Initially practice block then counter technique, then eventually advance to block and counter simultaneously type of technique, this is called, “UKE KOGEKI”.

Method of blocking must be analyzed. There are times when specialized method of blocking requires no counter. When you execute a block always be aware of a counter. Normally, a block with no counter is wasted move.

Learn various stances to strengthen your defense, always conceal your intentions in your movement. All your training is done against an imaginary opponent to develop your subconscious mind to react automatically. Your stronger stances should be used when you are in your opponents “MA”.


Change your stance according to your opponent; always move in a “pull-away” movement. Never advertise your intentions prior to initiating your move. Always move in a sliding motion for instant reactions.


Karate strikes should be applied swiftly to a small given area for maximum shock affect, and not a brute force applied to a wide area.

Developing self-confidence, respect for others, the opportunity to explore your physical limitations in addition to self-defense. Basically two types of techniques must be learned, PHYSICAL and MENTAL techniques. Your mental awareness must be keenly turned to pick up the signals that your opponent’s body is sending – this is called “SHINGI”.


MAAI – The distance between two people.

MA – The effective distance of a technique.


SHU – Means each student must listen,
obey and learn from his Sensei.

HA – Instructs the student to try to be
better than his Sensei.

RI – Implies that the student can be
better than the Sensei after he has
listened, obeyed, learned and tried
to be better than his Sensei.

ON – NEVER forget your “ON” (your obligation and gratitude) to your Sensei or to your Parents.


Is not measured by vigorous application of movements. A powerful fluid like movement with PRECISE coordination and balance of body and mind should be practiced.